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Not allot to say bar the obvious , a couple of meanings for Spunk depending on which land you cum from. UK meaning is what comes out of your dick when having sex, the white stuff! Or to put into another context: “That Guy has some Spunk” translated as a guy who has some balls or nerve to do X Y or Z. So we are not talking semen here neither “Bottle”. Not a bad word nor vulgar. Could be full of spunk!

Always remember that poppers are for cleaning purposes only. NEVER for personal use/abuse.

Not allot to say bar the obvious , a couple of meanings for Spunk depending on which land you cum from. UK meaning is what comes out of your dick when having sex, the white stuff! Or to put into another context: “That Guy has some Spunk” translated as a guy who has some balls or nerve to do X Y or Z. So we are not talking semen here neither “Bottle”. Not a bad word nor vulgar. Could be full of spunk!